Social Initiatives

Profits raised from various activities in the Banhoek Conservancy go a long way to uplift and support local communities, who, in-turn, provide support for the conservancy.
Profits raised from various activities in the Banhoek Conservancy go a long way to uplift and support local communities, who, in-turn, provide support for the conservancy.

Lanquedoc Wetland Park Rehabilitation

Idas Valley Community NPO

  • Established with the Idas Valley youth
  • Education on building, managing and maintaining trails
  • Education on nature and conservation
  • How to remove alien species

Alien Clearing 

In 2019, we undertook a massive alien clearing project in the Banhoek and Dwarsrivier Valleys. Thanks to R6 millon funding from the DWA project, the work was completed by CASIDRA and partners.

Sporting Events

There are many sporting events that pass through our stunning valley. These events require personnel on the ground to make them happen, so all route marshals and other workers on the trails come the local communities.

Local Schools

Through hosting of events, we provide funds to keep the Kylemore school grounds clean and tidy.

Kylemore Clinic

Painting of the Kylemore Clinic, both inside and outside, was made possible by events hosted in the area.